DG (Dave Guardala) Tone Boosters Sax
New DG boosters to improve intonation, reponse, sound and range.
Better Intonation
Easy response
Bigger sound
Greater dynamic range
Attach on mouthpiece or neck
Dave Guardala design
Material: Copper or Brass
- Finish: Gold or Silver plating
100% made in Germany
Can be used on Sax Neck for hard rubber mouthpieces
Three sizes for metal pieces (see fitting below):
Size 1: Dave Guadala Alto, Jody Jazz Alto, Lawton Alto, Lebayle Alto, Meyer USA Jazz Alto
Size 2: Bari Tenor, Blancher Tenor, Dave Guardala Tenor, Jody Jazz Tenor, Bari Alto, Beechler Bellite Alto, Dukoff Alto, Berg Larsen Alto, Otto Link Alto Metal (old Model), Yanagisawa Alto
Size 3: Aizen Jazz Master Tenor, ARB Tenor, Bari Tenor, Beechler Tenor, Brilhard Tenor, Berg Larsen Tenor, Dukoff Alto and Tenor, Charles Bay Alto and Tenor, Jody Jazz Super Jet Tenor, Lawton Tenor, Lebayle Tenor, Meyer Tenor, Otto Link Tenor, RS Berkeley Tenor, Ted Klum Tenor, Yanagisawa Tenor